Field Service 
Next-level concept of service and expertise: As a solution-oriented research partner for ALL AREAS of qualitative market research, we are the ideal provider for all research-related services.
Your study is in good hands: With our locations in Frankfurt, Cologne and Berlin as well as our partner offices in Hamburg and Munich, we cover all major research capitals in Germany.
As a leading provider of high-quality field services, our strengths lie in the implementation of high-quality national and international market research, mainly in the shape of group discussions, workshops, product clinics, in-depth interviews and individual explorations – on-site and remote.
We facilitate testing procedures such as usability tests, shop simulations, mystery shopping, reading observation and offer you and your clients the appropriate facilities for training courses and seminars. Our network includes experienced moderators and interpreters specially trained for market research as well as minute-takers.
Our employees have a high degree of methodological expertise and look back on many years of experience in research management. quotapoint Field Service excels in technical and methodological expertise and supports you on all levels before and during the study implementation.
Let’s get in touch!